Booksellers Without Borders: Keira reports back on her week with us
Posted by Keira Brown

Keira Brown reflects back on her week of bookseller exchange in London.
What’s your favourite thing about the London Review Bookshop?
With a fantastic translated fiction and poetry section, it is difficult to fathom another independent having quite so wide a range. Immersing myself in getting acquainted with the stock, I was gobsmacked at the vast variety of literature out there, which I was not previously aware of.
Is there anything we do differently that you’d like to take back home with you?
Having witnessed the success of your monthly late night shopping events, it would be worth noting these for our shop north of the border. I'll be sure to take this home, maybe with a tweak to the format to suit our particular customers.
What was the most surprising book you unpacked, shelved or sold this week?
Well, what surprised me most was the ferocity with which the Boris Johnson pamphlet sold in the Bookshop. We did consider bringing this north, but on second thoughts, figured that our customers would use it for hoicking...
Did you spot any new titles you don’t currently stock at the Edinburgh Bookshop but think you now ought to?
A couple of the children's titles including What is a Child? and Outfoxed, as well as Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts. I've ordered a copy of Nelson's book to read and consider for the shop.
What will be your favourite memory of your time with us?
Meeting Robert MacFarlane at Helen Mort and Dan Richards’ event was pretty special, especially as Stanley Donwood had designed both Richards’ new book cover (Climbing Days) and Holloway, a fantastic read and beautifully illustrated book.