24 November 2020

A Nick Fu Christmas

Posted by the Cake Shop

There are two prominent ingredients that inspire our food at the London Review Cake Shop: culture and flavour. But a third sits more subtly beneath the surface – my friends.

Their quirks, sense of humour and outlook on life are a deep source of inspiration. Fragments of our shared curiosity are folded into every mouthful. You’ll taste the influence of one such friend in the cakes now synonymous with our Bloomsbury haven.

I met Nick Fu on a wet summer’s day in 2007. The Cake Shop was in its infancy; it was coincidentally the busiest day we’d had on the job.

Supplies were running low, so I rushed to the Brunswick Centre, a stone’s throw from the café, to restock my baking arsenal. Food stalls lined the street that Saturday morning, chaotic with people running their weekend errands. And there he was in the midst of it all: happy, smiley, chatty.

Nick was manning his stall which was brimming with cakes. I couldn’t just take a few slices of what sat in front of me, I knew his cakes needed to call my café their home. In that moment, I forged a very special friendship.

Thirteen years later, we still keep some of his cakes and baked creations on our menu, even though we now primarily bake our own. Moist lemon, rosemary and olive oil cake is a crowd-pleaser every time, and the macadamia cheesecake never fails to be devoured.

Over the years, Nick and I have clicked over our taste in music and appetite for fun. He’s supported me in my cookery studies, and we’ve collaborated on culinary pursuits, and set out on food adventures across London. I’ve watched him outgrow his small home kitchen and relish in the success of his business. We were never happier than the time we had our commercial kitchens in the same block, sharing new flavours, textures, problems and triumphs.

That’s why I love him: he leaves a trail of warmth, honesty and generosity – things I hope our customers feel when they walk through our cosy front door.

This winter, we’ll be collaborating on mince pies, using sherry-soaked quince with a walnut frangipane topping as well as a brandy-soaked pear and date version. Our collective inspiration is the world and city around us. I hope with every mouthful, you’ll taste a bit of our character, subtle or otherwise. We’ll be serving them in Bury Place from Friday – come in and pair one with a maple whiskey latte or a hot apple drink for £4.50. 

And there’s still time to order a Christmas cake – £25 for a small 400g cake, or £36 for a medium (650g), delivery by post (quoted per order), or by bike if you’re very local. Plus, we’ve added more seasonal joy to our range, in the form of our plum restorative and sweet treats in hand-decorated boxes. Get in touch by emailor phone us to place your order.