17 May 2022

Diary of a Film: a cinematic playlist

Posted by Niven Govinden

EVENT: on Thursday 19 MayNiven Govinden joins us at the shop to discuss his latest novel, Diary of a Film. Book your tickets here. 

Ahead of the event, Niven shares some of the celluloid inspirations behind the book.

There’s always been a strong cinematic presence to my work. Every novel I’ve written is indebted to film as much as literature; moods or tones from films I’d seen that stayed with me for years and that I wanted to infuse somehow on the page. In Diary of a Film, with it’s conversational leaning towards films, books, and what makes a creative life, I had the chance to be more explicit about the cinema I loved. This is a brief list of films and filmmakers whose presence I hope can be felt, and maybe ones you’ll reach for once you’ve finished the book.

The Garden of The Finzi-Continis (dir. Vittorio De Sica, 1970)

The Structure of Crystal  (dir. Krzysztof Zanussi, 1969)

My Own Private Idaho (dir. Gus Van Sant, 1991) / ​My Own Private River ( dirs. Gus Van Sant / Franco 2012)

La Terra Trema (dir. Luchino Visconti, 1948)

Fear Eats The Soul (dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1974)

Daguerreotypes (dir. Agnes Varda, 1976)

Diary of a Film is published by Dialogue Books, priced £9.99. Get your tickets for this Thursday’s event here.

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