
Hazel Press

Selected by the Bookshop

Hazel Press is an independent publisher with a focus on the environment, the realities of climate change, feminism and the arts.

From the publisher:
Daughter Wound explores a young Black South African woman’s negotiation of intimate relationships: sexual, familial and political. Nkateko Masinga is an award-winning writer and scholar. A graduate of the University of Iowa’s…

From the publisher:
A tender exploration of our planet’s environmental catastrophe by prize-winning poet Jane Lovell.In On Earth, as it is, life on land, sea and air interweave and collide, highlighting relationships past and present. This new collection…

From the publisher:
Closely observed kettles of light, honest shadows, ash memories and a sensual universe of colour fills the art studio world of Maria Isakova Bennett’s new poetry collection an o an x.Isakova Bennett has been published across the UK…

From the publisher:
Burnt Rain is a powerful, compelling polemic by veteran eco-protestor Roc Sandford.Thirty years ago, Sandford bought a small, bleak island in the Hebrides. His aim was to live there largely alone, without mains services, and manage the land…

From the publisher:
Maggie Wang’s debut poetry pamphlet, The Sun on the Tip of a Snail’s Shell takes its inspiration from the sixth mass extinction—an event encompassing destruction of colossal proportions and thoroughly entangled with what…

From the publisher:
Everything is interconnected. Dress accordingly. In this free-wheeling collection of lyric essays and poems, Kate Fletcher and Helen Mort explore fashion, ecology and wild landscapes. Their dialogue ranges from gloves to gritstone, and…

From the publisher:
The name Mersey comes from boundary: a water border, connecting and separating. Through a series of 17 ‘portraits’, poet and artist Maria Isakova Bennett connects us back to the place rivers hold, following the Mersey from…

From the publisher:
Pinecoast is a dual sequence: ‘Ghost Lines’ and ‘Pine Coasts’, the first set in the southeast of England, the second in Quebec’s Gaspésie Peninsula, tied together by various ghost tracks and desire…

From the publisher:
A few days after her eighty-sixth birthday, Gillian Beer decided to write a few fragments about her childhood in England just before and during World War II. As is her custom, she applies her precise and inquisitive nature to recall that…

From the publisher:
One of Paul Celan’s poem begins ‘There was earth inside them and they dug’. In The Woman Who Buried Herself Alys Fowler takes us deeper and deeper into, and under the soil, until there is no longer a separation. This story…

From the publisher:
Ted Hughes once wrote: ‘Poetry is a universal language in which we can all hope to meet'. Through a time of separation, isolation and uncertainty, during the UK lockdown of 2020, two poets, Katrina Naomi and Helen Mort…

From the publisher:
“We tend to think of the erotic as an easy, tantalizing sexual arousal. I speak of the erotic as the deepest life force, a force which moves us toward living in a fundamental way.”Audre LordeO is an anthology about…

From the publisher:
Akin to Heathcote Williams' Whale Nation, Anna Selby’s Field Notes takes us beneath the waves with poems and poetic-studies, written on waterproof notebooks in the Atlantic Ocean, whilst observing marine environments…

From the publisher:
Henry David Thoreau wrote of fallen leaves, ‘they teach us how to die’. Seven years in the making, Leaves is a long poem by Matthew Hollis, which holds loss and grief in one hand; new life in the other. It explores the…

From the publisher:
“It is the nature of woodland to be in on a secret”Rootstalk is written in five voices, some drawn from myth, others from historical accounts, all re-imagined. The lives of these characters are shaped by the Ghost Orchid…

From the publisher:
Re-Dreaming Sylvia Plath as a Queen Bee draws connection between the Ariel poems of Sylvia Plath and the esteemed bee-science of her father/beekeeper, Otto Emil Plath. This reading of Plath's poetry and its closeness to a science,…

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