
Various rowdy poets and also some sensible astronomers

Selected by the Bookshop

In the 975 years since the birth of Omar Khayyam, there have been many poets distinguished for their rowdy behaviour. Khayyam, who by all accounts was a sensible astronomer and mathematician, was almost certainly not one of them, and may not have written any of the quatrains attributed to him and translated in 1859 by Edward Fitzgerald. So this two-part list is presented for balance.

From the publisher:
'The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ…

From the publisher:
Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, was a groundbreaking writer—a utopian visionary, a scientist, a science-fiction pioneer. She moved in philosophical circles that included Thomas Hobbes and René Descartes,…

From the publisher:
Arthur Rimbaud's Illuminations reissued as a Carcanet Classic. …

From the publisher:
The former Poet Laureate’s most recent poetry collection, where histories – both real and imagined – meet with present-day perceptions to create a richly layered portrait of contemporary life.Randomly Moving…

From the publisher:
An informative, up-to-date, beautifully illustrated introduction to Uranus, Neptune and their moons.The most distant planets in our solar system, Uranus and Neptune were unknown by the ancients – Uranus was discovered in the 1780s and…

From the publisher:
Internationally known theoretical physicist and bestselling popular science writer Lawrence Krauss explores cosmology's greatest unanswered questions.Three of the most important words in science are 'I don't know'. Not knowing implies a…

From the publisher:
Right now, you are orbiting a black hole.The Earth goes around the Sun, and the Sun goes around the centre of the Milky Way: a supermassive black hole – the strangest and most misunderstood phenomenon in the galaxy.In A Brief…

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