God is No Thing: Rupert Shortt and Rowan Williams
Tuesday 29 March 2016, 7 p.m. · 62 minutes.jpg 300w, https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/storage/400_filter/images/1/9/3/3/1883391-1-eng-GB/1000x2000%20(2).jpg 400w, https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/storage/800_filter/images/1/9/3/3/1883391-1-eng-GB/1000x2000%20(2).jpg 800w, https://www.londonreviewbookshop.co.uk/storage/1200_filter/images/1/9/3/3/1883391-1-eng-GB/1000x2000%20(2).jpg 1200w)
Rupert Shortt in discussion with Dr Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, on Shortt’s new book God is No Thing.
Even though parts of the Western world now appear almost totally secularised, Christianity remains the most potent worldview on earth alongside Islam. In God is No Thing (Hurst) Rupert Shortt argues that Christianity is a much more coherent, progressive body of belief — philosophically, scientifically and culturally — than often supposed by its critics. Alert to the menace posed by religious fundamentalism, as well as to secularist blind spots, he shows how a self-critical faith is of huge consequence to wider human flourishing and offers an erudite and eloquent argument for the importance of Christian values in modern life.
Rupert Shortt is religion editor of the Times Literary Supplement and a former Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford. His books include God’s Advocates: Christian Thinkers in Conversation, Christianophobia: A Faith Under Attack, and Rowan's Rule: The Biography of the Archbishop.