
John’s New Year Picks 2024

Selected by the Bookshop

Lots to look forward to over the next three months; Fleur Adcock’s Collected Poems (she is reading at the shop to launch it, will be amazing, don’t miss out), David Harsent’s best book for ages, eagerly awaited second collections from Elizabeth Parker and Isabel Galleymore, and just as eagerly awaited debuts from Scott McKendry and Ali Lewis.

From the publisher:
Absence, the third title in CHEERIO's acclaimed poetry series, is a book about nothing. Or nothings: losses, vacua, gaps. From the desolation at the heat-death of the universe to the impassable distance between two people talking, and from…

From the publisher:
Lyrics and syllabically-constrained fables examine the play and power involved in creating new life, whether biologically or via cartoonists' animation. Galleymore hones in on cuteness and its relationships to hyper-capitalism and…

From the publisher:
Elizabeth Parker's second collection, Cormorant, explores the bird of the title from all angles: from diving cormorants to cormorants in flight, cormorants in motion and also in stillness. The bird itself however is always untameable and…

From the publisher:
Demons, geese, The Laughing Cow, marching bands, LSD and pistols smuggled home from the USSR. You'll find all these in Scott McKendry's GUB. Rooted in the language of working-class Belfast, and slipping between eras and time zones, closing…

From the publisher:
Skin is David Harsent's visionary new collection, consisting of ten dramatic sequences of poems, which, like a planetary system, operate on one another in a dynamic assemblage of propulsion and pull.

From the publisher:
Winner of the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry, 2006Fleur Adcock is one of Britain's most accomplished poets. Her poised, ironic poems are tense and tightly controlled as well as shrewdly laconic, and often chilling as she unmasks the…

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